Check out if your packaging conveys unified experience
Ameliorate packaging and accelerate closes by the power of neuroscience
Neuromarketing allows you to see how your product is viewed from the perspective of the consumer. This lets you assess if key attributes are effectively communicated and measure other things like findability, brand recognition, shelf positioning, and visual appeal.
This can be done in isolation, against your own alternatives, or in direct comparison with your competitors’ designs. No matter what phase of the design process you are in, eye tracking provides unbiased answers on what elements of your packaging work and which need improvement so you can quickly and easily optimize your design.
We compare design alternatives and run a comparative analysis with test participants. We use computers or mobile devices, along with eye tracking and EEG to give you accurate and unbiased data on the performance of your packaging designs.
How does your packaging affect customers’ purchase intent? How can you change the packaging design to increase sales? NeuroPackaging is our product packaging research. It studies how your packaging design impact the customer’s brain using QEEG mapping and eye tracking. Mavaranegar provides 100% objective results for your packaging maximum effectiveness.
Consumers assess the attractiveness of your packaging through quick and automatic emotional responses, all which happens unconsciously. These unconscious responses determine consumers’ behavior: buying your product or your competitor’s.